Discover Your Child’s Development

Unlocking Potential, One Step at a Time (clinical screenings, milestones, activities, and more) and form a stronger bond through play.

Welcome to Totmile

TotMile app is a fresh new way to look after your child's development and detect developmental concerns, and is unlike anything you’ve ever seen or used before. It is designed by developmental-behavioral pediatricians (in collaboration with hundreds of families) for each stage of your baby's development in 4 areas:

5 minutes daily for a lifetime of joy and achievement

The POEI™ Framework


Empowering developmental areas through age-specific, scientifically crafted playful activities.


Crafting personalized developmental activities based on evaluation with expert guidance continuously available.


Transform development tracking through cutting-edge four-dimensional data capture methods.


AI based evaluation to assess child development progress and support.

Dr. Jean
Rudolf Steiner
(Waldorf Method)
Dr. Eric
Dr. Arnold

Track milestones.

Celebrate every step of your little one's journey with TotMile!

Celebrate every step of your little one's journey with TotMile, the perfect app for commemorating their achievements. Not only does it add joy to the milestones your child reaches, but it also provides invaluable insights for healthcare professionals. Just as doctors monitor physical growth through weight, length, and head circumference, TotMile enables them to track developmental progress seamlessly.

Take Clinical
Screenings at homes.

By observing the absence of typical behaviors, rather than just the presence of atypical ones, our screening process provides a comprehensive assessment. With our user-friendly platform, you can monitor your child's development more closely and identify any potential concerns sooner.

No more waiting for appointments – early action means better outcomes. Take charge of your health journey with TotMile.

Activities for Kids

From 5 min to 20+ min. Outdoor and indoor activities.

Experience our holistic approach to child development. We provide a diverse array of engaging activities tailored to nurture your little one's growth and flourishing.

From honing gross and fine motor skills to fostering social, emotional, language, and cognitive development, our activities are meticulously crafted to support your child in reaching their fullest potential. Join us in cultivating a well-rounded foundation for your child's bright future.

Track milestones.

Celebrate every step of your little one's journey with TotMile!

Celebrate every step of your little one's journey with TotMile, the perfect app for commemorating their achievements. Not only does it add joy to the milestones your child reaches, but it also provides invaluable insights for healthcare professionals. Just as doctors monitor physical growth through weight, length, and head circumference, TotMile enables them to track developmental progress seamlessly.

Take Clinical
Screenings at homes.

By observing the absence of typical behaviors, rather than just the presence of atypical ones, our screening process provides a comprehensive assessment. With our user-friendly platform, you can monitor your child's development more closely and identify any potential concerns sooner.

No more waiting for appointments – early action means better outcomes. Take charge of your health journey with TotMile.

Activities for Kids

From 5 min to 20+ min. Outdoor and indoor activities.

Experience our holistic approach to child development. We provide a diverse array of engaging activities tailored to nurture your little one's growth and flourishing.

From honing gross and fine motor skills to fostering social, emotional, language, and cognitive development, our activities are meticulously crafted to support your child in reaching their fullest potential. Join us in cultivating a well-rounded foundation for your child's bright future.

Have questions? Let us help you!

HSEI is a holistic brain development program for children between 6 months to 7 years of age. It is a online sessions and offline sessions.

At HSEI, we believe every child is a genius! We focus on stimulating young minds up to age 7 with diverse, fun-filled activities to enhance their abilities and unlock their full potential.

Our program caters to children aged 15 Days to 7 years. We recognize the narrow window to tap into the untapped potential of the right and left brain, which is dominant and highly responsive to stimulation until around age 7.

Starting from birth delivers the most advantages since the brain grows significantly throughout this time. Beginning early takes advantage of synaptic pruning effects, which are critical for molding your child's brain development starting in infancy. While it's never 'too late' to begin, starting early gives your child plenty of time to reap the benefits of early learning.

Our approach is intended to promote overall development rather than imposing academic or performance expectations on young children. We prioritize creating a nurturing and stimulating environment where children can explore and learn at their own pace, free from undue stress or expectations. Our method focuses on developing a love of learning, creativity, and critical thinking abilities in children, ensuring that they build a solid foundation for future academic achievement without feeling overwhelmed or pushed.